Connect to the modem with an ethernet cable or over the Wi-Fi network. You don't need internet access because you are only going to be logging into the modem. You can use a cell phone, but it is more difficult because you will have to scroll around the screen more.
Open a web browser. Clear the URL (the address in the bar at the top of the screen) & type in then press 'Enter'
(This will not work if you are in the search bar and not in the top address bar)
User name – admin Password is – admin or ADMIN#1
Press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard
If your modem does not require an update, skip the next step
(If your modem needs an update,
Follow the steps for the update and click ‘Next’
It will ask if you want to modify your WiFi password, you don't
It will ask for your current modem password which is either admin or ADMIN#1
It will ask you to type in a new password twice
Type ADMIN#1 or admin as the new password in the boxes
Just use whichever one is not already your existing modem password
If you are connected over Wi-Fi, you may need to connect to the Wi-Fi again
and log into the modem again using the new settings)
Click ‘Settings’ on the top navigation bar
Click ‘Dial-up’ on the left side of the screen
Click ‘Profile Management’
Click ‘New Profile’
In the box that says Profile name, type ‘VZ’ (do not use the apostrophes)
In the box that says APN, type 'so01.VZWSTATIC' (do not use the apostrophes)
Authentication: none
Click ‘Save’
Power cycle your modem
Wait 60 seconds before you try to connect to the modem again.